A Walk from Slockavullin to Kilmartin

The walk from Slockavullin to Kilmartin through Kilmartin Glen is a short one, yet it passes a huge wealth of ancient stones and burial cairns, like Temple Wood (shown above).
Having left the car with Finlay to be taken for it's MoT test (it failed thanks to the state of our roads and the damage done to the shock absorbers), Tessi 'the Varmint' and I took the air with a beautiful sun-filled February walk passed these Pre-historic monuments to our Kilmartin home.
After leaving Slockavullin, we soon passed Temple Wood [or Half Moon Wood], having within a semi-circular setting two arrangements of river stones with 13 standing stones, although one can see that there used to be more. Also visible is a Burial Cist. Tessi wanted to go in to play, but dogs are not permitted. I explained this to her, but she does not realise that she is a dog.
This cairn is Largie Mid Cairn (I think), with Kilmartin village behind it...and below we have a result of the January gales. All across Argyll [and Scotland] there are trees uprooted and cast aside. I do not think I have ever seen such devastation in a day - except last year when the evergreens on the hillside were chewed up (see upper photograph with black sheep). Hundreds of trees around Kilmartin Glen have been damaged.

Tessi and I arrived home having enjoyed our walk and sat down with a mug of coffee in front of a roaring laptop. I should point out that that was just me. Tessi doesn't drink coffee...yet...although I have a sneaking suspicion that she uses my laptop when my back is turned.

Grrr..mjuh>Grr Grrr rowf     POi btcx jgb d we {lk;\sls  }q Grrrrrrruff!

Get down Tessi.


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